Sunday, October 12, 2003

A Poem

What makes a poem?
What makes it poetic?
Is it the words?
Or maybe the rhymes?
People keep telling me
Poetry is something deep,
But then some think
The best poetry are the simple ones
I’m confused…
Isn’t it enough to convey what I feel?
Does it have to be written with such depth,
That people interpret it a dozen ways?
What’s the fuss about anyway,
Convey more, Feel more…
What the hell,
That’s just how I feel…
How can a poem come from the heart
When they are so many
Damn rules
To follow…
I feel what I feel,
Write about it,
That’s it,
No rules, no rhymes whatsoever…
My poems are about myself,
And that enough makes it a poem,
I don’t want it better nor deeper…
I want the feeling stuck in time…
Why would I make it deeper
I myself couldn’t even understand,
My truth is what makes my works


In fact, this isn’t a poem…
You wanna know why…
Because it just isn’t…


Wednesday, October 01, 2003

3 Weeks of Paradise

Hell is over,
They have walked through hellfire and brimstone
The struggle is over,
The war is at truce

Tranquility has arisen,
Silence ruled the land
Of a once cruel battlefield,
Of tears and of sweat...

A sheer cry stabbed the silence,
Voices rise from the peace
The alpha voice makes a shrill cry,
Victory is theirs...

Some cry for joy,
Others mourn for the casualties...
Some went back to their families...
At last, they are happy

Bands play their victory tunes,
Beers were drunk in triumph...
Medals were given for the courageous
Traitors were given proper discharge...

While others were enjoying the peace,
Some were planning for the next battle...
While battle plans were being made,
Others cried for their lose

They were happy,
The peak of such joy and triumph,
But the truce isn't forever,
Soon...war will start once again.
The Place In Between

I'm in this place,
between joy and regret,
between dreams and reality...
there I stand confused

Where do I turn?
I'm afraid...

It's so hard
to move to one side
My feet desires to move
but my spirit holds it back

I feel the warmth from one side
But got burned when i got close
As I felt a cool breeze on the other
But got frozen when I got closer

I feel so helpless,
Unable to move
Still pondering on where to go,
My heart is in doubt...

I continue to stand,
In this place in between,
To finally choose...
Across The Table

Across the table, I look at you,
Eyes, sparkling...
Smile, breath-taking...
Laughing at jokes,
and smiling so lovingly

Across the table, you don't notice me,
staring at your beauty,
feelings, hidden...
heart, beating...
My life brightnes with your voice

Across the table, I see a princess,
An angel beyond words...
Such a beautiful face...
The lady of my heart

Across the table, I'm left speechless,
My heart shouting...
Beauty beyond words...
Kindness beyond limits...
If only my heart could speak...

Across the table, You see me,
friends amongst people,
You smiled at me...
I smiled back...